Monday, 8 March 2010

Judge Daniel Paul Schreber - mother of superman

  1. Daniel Paul Schreber was born in Saxony in 1842
  2. his dad was and remains famous for inventing the Schrebergarten 
  3. Daniel Paul wrote a memoirs describing his nervous disease - a florid case of schizophrenia
  4. Sigmund Freud wrote an essay based on Daniel's memoir 
  5. Morton Schatzman wrote 'Soul Murder', a page-turning description of the case
  6. This, in turn, inspired me to write The Judge.
  7. It takes the form of a monologue in which the actor takes the part of  Daniel Paul, as boy and grown man - and as the father, Gottlob.  The boy and the father converse together...
  8. The piece examines discipline, child abuse, religious mania, homosexuality, and Man’s ability to Survive

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